Interface QuestionReporter

    • Method Detail

      • start

        default void start​(Actor actor,
                           Question<?> question)
        Reports the start of checking the given Question.
        actor - the acting Actor
        question - the started Question
      • retry

        default void retry​(Actor actor,
                           RetryableQuestion<?> question,
                           java.lang.Exception cause)
        Reports the retry of the latest started RetryableQuestion due to an ignored exception.
        actor - the acting Actor
        question - the retried question
        cause - the cause for the retry
      • retry

        default <A> void retry​(Actor actor,
                               RetryableQuestion<A> question,
                               A answer)
        Reports the retry of the latest started RetryableQuestion due to an unacceptable answer.
        Type Parameters:
        A - the type of the given answer
        actor - the acting Actor
        question - the retried question
        answer - the current unacceptable answer
      • success

        default <A> void success​(Actor actor,
                                 Question<A> question,
                                 A answer)
        Reports the successful finishing of the lastest started Question.
        Type Parameters:
        A - the type of the given answer
        actor - the acting Actor
        question - the successfully finished Question
        answer - the found answer
      • failure

        default void failure​(Actor actor,
                             Question<?> question,
                             java.lang.Exception cause)
        Reports the unsuccessful finishing of the latest started Question due to an acknowledged exception.
        actor - the acting Actor
        question - the unsuccessfully finished Question
        cause - the cause of the failure
      • failure

        default <A> void failure​(Actor actor,
                                 Question<A> question,
                                 A answer)
        Reports the unsuccessful finishing of the latest started RetryableQuestion due to an unacceptable answer.
        Type Parameters:
        A - the type of the given answer
        actor - the acting Actor
        question - the unsuccessfully finished Question
        answer - the found answer